Employment Application NAME MAILING ADDRESS CONTACT -+ Are you older than: 161718 Are you legally eligible to work in the United States? (verification required) YesNo As necessary for the job, I am able to: Work overtime? YesNo Work seven days a week? YesNo Can you provide a valid Driver's License? YesNo FISHERY EXPERIENCE Have you worked in a fish processing facility before? YesNo Sorting YesNo Grading YesNo Heading YesNo Butchering YesNo Can you operate a forklift? YesNo Other fishery experience? EMPLOYMENT HISTORY List most recent employment first. Start Date: End Date: Add -+ EDUCATION Highest level of education first. Add -+ SKILLS & QUALIFICATIONS REFERENCES Please list two references who are not related to you or a former supervisor. Add -+ INFORMATION TO THE APPLICANT As a part of our procedure for processing your employment application, your employment and personal references may be checked. If you have misrepresented or omitted any facts on this application, and are subsequently hired, you may be terminated from your job. You may make a written request for information derived from the checking of your references. As necessary for employment, you may be required to: supply your birth certificate or other proof of authorization to work in the United States and have a physical examination and/or drug test. I understand and agree to the information shown above. I agree to all terms and conditions Equal Employment Opportunity: While many employers are required by federal law to have an Affirmative Action Program, all employers are required to provide equal employment opportunity and may ask your national origin, race and sex for planning and reporting purposes only. The information is optional and failure to provide it will have no affect on your employment eligibility.